Can a Corporation Enter into Partnership | Brief Discussion
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  • Can a Corporation Enter into Partnership | Brief Discussion

Can a corporation enter into partnership? In commerce, a plethora of legal frameworks exist, presenting a myriad of options for aspiring businesspersons and organizations to meticulously consider and select from. In Philippine setting, it is pertinent to note that two prevailing and widely recognized modes of business organization are corporations and partnerships.

While it is true that each entity possesses unique attributes and serves specific objectives, it is not uncommon for their paths to converge within the domain of cooperative commercial endeavors. The present inquiry pertains to a pivotal matter: Is it legally permissible for a corporate entity to engage in a partnership arrangement?

To give a good answer to this question, you need to carefully look at the relevant legal frameworks that govern corporations and partnerships, carefully understand what partnerships are and how they work, carefully look at the legal structure of corporations, and carefully consider the possibility of working together.

Additionally, it is very important to stress how important it is to deal with the legal implications, make sure that the relevant laws governing business and partnership matters in the Philippines are followed, and get legal counsel right away.

The current discussion tries to shed light on the meeting point of corporations and partnerships, showing the difficulties and opportunities that come with working together in the Philippine legal system.

Distinct Business Structures: Corporation and Partnership

Corporations and partnerships are two distinct business structures that have their own advantages and disadvantages. A corporation is a legal entity that is separate from its owners, and it has its own rights and responsibilities.

It can own property, enter into contracts, and sue or be sued. Shareholders who elect a board of directors to act on their behalf own a corporation. The board of directors then hires officers to manage the day-to-day operations of the corporation.

On the other hand, a partnership is a business structure where two or more people share ownership of the business. Each partner contributes to the business and shares in the profits and losses. Partnerships can be general or limited, with general partners having unlimited liability for the debts of the business and limited partners having limited liability.

One of the main advantages of a corporation is its limited liability. Shareholders are not personally liable for the debts of the corporation, and their liability is limited to the amount of their investment in the company. Another advantage of a corporation is that it can raise capital by selling stocks and bonds.

Partnerships, on the other hand, are easy to set up and maintain. They also offer flexibility in terms of management and decision-making. Partnerships are also taxed as pass-through entities, which means that the profits and losses of the business are passed on to the partners. Nevertheless, under the Tax Code, partnerships may also be taxed as corporations.

Both corporations and partnerships have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs and goals of the business owners.

Key differences between Corporations and Partnerships

Corporations and partnerships differ significantly in their structure, liability, and governance. Corporations are distinct legal entities, providing limited liability to shareholders, while partnerships do not have this separation, making partners personally liable.

In corporations, ownership is divided into shares, and governance is typically structured with shareholders, directors, and officers. In contrast, partnerships involve the direct participation of individuals or entities in decision-making and management.

Furthermore, corporations offer perpetual existence, making them more stable, while partnerships may dissolve upon certain events. These differences in legal structure, liability, and management make choosing between these business forms a critical decision for entrepreneurs in the Philippines.

Can a Corporation enter into Partnership?

In its purest sense, a corporation may not be able to enter into a Partnership, which is an entity defined under the Civil Code, without violating the principles of delectus personarum or the mutual trust and confidence that exist between or among the partners composing the partnership.

Nonetheless, a corporation in the Philippines may enter into partnership or other collaborative business arrangements. These collaborations may involve joint ventures, profit-sharing agreements, or cooperative structures with partnerships or other entities in accordance with law and without violating the principles underlying the creation of a partnership under the Civil Code.

It is crucial to ensure that such arrangements are carefully documented and that compliance with the Corporation Code and relevant laws is maintained. Legal considerations, taxation implications, and regulatory compliance play a significant role in structuring these collaborations.

Legal Framework

Corporations are considered separate legal entities, distinct from their shareholders. They enjoy limited liability, meaning that the personal assets of shareholders are generally protected from the corporation’s debts and obligations. This limited liability feature is a significant attraction for investors and entrepreneurs when forming corporations.

The Code lays out the procedural requirements for incorporating a corporation, including the submission of articles of incorporation, the issuance of shares, and the election of directors and officers. It also establishes rules and standards for the conduct of corporate meetings, voting procedures, and the duties and responsibilities of directors and officers.

Additionally, the Corporation Code covers essential corporate transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, and dissolution and liquidation procedures. Furthermore, it addresses the rights and remedies of shareholders and sets provisions for corporate governance, accounting, and disclosure requirements.

The “Civil Code of the Philippines” (Republic Act No. 386) is primarily responsible for regulating partnerships in the Philippines, in contrast to corporations. This legal framework emphasizes the rules governing partnerships, including general partnerships and limited partnerships.

The Civil Code defines partnerships as two or more persons who bind themselves to contribute money, property, or industry to a common fund with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves. Partnerships are typically simpler in structure and involve less formality compared to corporations.

Notably, the Civil Code provides for two main types of partnerships:

  1. General Partnership: In a general partnership, partners have joint and several liabilities, meaning they are personally liable for the partnership’s debts and obligations.
  2. Limited Partnership: Limited partnerships allow for a combination of general and limited partners. Limited partners enjoy limited liability, akin to shareholders in a corporation, while general partners remain personally liable. This flexibility offers a unique blend of risk and control for partners in various roles.

The Civil Code outlines the legal requirements for forming partnerships as well as rules regarding the management, profits, and losses of partnerships. While partnerships provide more flexibility and autonomy in management, they do not possess the same limited liability protections as corporations.

The legal frameworks for corporations and partnerships in the Philippines are distinct and detailed. Corporations enjoy limited liability and are primarily subject to Corporation Code regulation, whereas partnerships, including general and limited partnerships, are subject to Civil Code regulation and provide various structures and liability arrangements for companies and entrepreneurs.

Comprehending these legal frameworks is essential for those considering the best business structure for their ventures in the Philippines.

Understanding Partnerships

A partnership is a form of business organization in which two or more individuals or entities come together with the intent to carry on a business for profit. Unlike corporations, partnerships are relatively uncomplicated in terms of formation and governance. The key characteristics of partnerships include:

  1. Multiple Owners: Partnerships involve two or more individuals or entities, often referred to as partners, who contribute resources, such as capital, labor, or expertise, to the business.
  2. Profit-Sharing: Partnerships are established with the primary objective of sharing profits, losses, and responsibilities in the business. The partnership agreement can specify this profit-sharing arrangement.
  3. Simple Formation: Creating a partnership usually involves fewer formalities compared to incorporating a corporation. Partnerships often require a written or oral agreement, but they do not have to be as elaborate as corporate articles of incorporation.
  4. Personal Liability: One important aspect of partnerships is that partners typically have personal liability for the partnership’s debts and obligations. This means that their personal assets can be used to satisfy the partnership’s debts.

Purpose and Nature of Partnerships in Business

Partnerships serve several purposes in the business world. They can provide a balance between shared risk and shared control. Some common reasons for forming partnerships include:

  1. Capital and Resource Sharing: Partnerships allow individuals or entities to combine their resources, such as capital, skills, and expertise, to pursue business opportunities that might be challenging to tackle alone.
  2. Risk Mitigation: The presence of multiple partners can help distribute the risk associated with a business, which can be particularly attractive for ventures with significant financial exposure.
  3. Flexibility: Partnerships often offer more flexibility in decision-making and management compared to corporations, making them suitable for various business endeavors.
  4. Tax Benefits: Depending on the jurisdiction and the specific structure of the partnership, there can be tax advantages for partners.

Partnerships are a versatile form of business organization with distinct characteristics and forms, including general partnerships, limited partnerships, and limited liability partnerships.

Understanding the purpose and nature of partnerships is crucial for individuals and entities considering this business structure, as it offers a balance between shared control and shared risk in the pursuit of business opportunities.

The Corporation’s Legal Structure

A corporation, as established under the Corporation Code of the Philippines, embodies a unique legal structure comprising distinct roles and entities. Shares of stock serve as a representation of the corporation’s owners, who are the shareholders.

Shareholders elect a Board of Directors responsible for governing the corporation and making strategic decisions on its behalf. Directors, who may also be shareholders, are entrusted with fiduciary duties to act in the best interests of the corporation.

They, in turn, appoint officers, such as the President, Treasurer, and Secretary, who oversee the day-to-day operations and management. Each officer assumes specific responsibilities and authority within the organization, ensuring the corporation’s efficient and lawful functioning.

Separate Legal Personality of Corporations

One fundamental aspect of a corporation is its separate legal personality, which sets it apart from its shareholders, directors, and officers. This legal concept establishes that a corporation is an independent entity with its own rights, obligations, and liabilities.

Consequently, shareholders’ personal assets are generally shielded from corporate debts and legal actions. The corporation can enter into contracts, own property, sue or be sued, and engage in legal activities in its own name.

This separation extends to taxation, with corporations subject to a corporate income tax distinct from the personal income tax of their shareholders.

The principle of separate legal personality safeguards the corporation’s stability and perpetuity, allowing it to exist independently of changes in its ownership or leadership and making it an attractive vehicle for investment and business endeavors in the Philippines.

Collaborative Arrangements

Collaborative arrangements between corporations and partnerships in the Philippines can be strategic and advantageous in specific situations.

One scenario where such collaboration may occur is when a corporation seeks to combine its financial strength, established market presence, or technological resources with the specialized expertise, industry knowledge, or agility of a partnership.

For example, a technology corporation may partner with a software development partnership to enhance its product offerings.

Another situation is related to regulatory requirements or industry-specific restrictions. In some sectors, foreign investors are limited in their ownership or management participation in corporations.

To navigate these restrictions, a corporation might enter into a collaborative arrangement with a local partnership that complies with ownership regulations.

Types of Collaborative Arrangements

Collaborative arrangements can take on various forms, each tailored to the specific objectives and needs of the parties involved. Common types include:

  1. Joint Ventures: Joint ventures involve the creation of a new legal entity or business structure jointly owned and managed by the participating corporation and partnership. This allows for shared control and risks in a specific project or business endeavor.
  2. Profit-Sharing Agreements: In profit-sharing agreements, a corporation and a partnership agree to share the financial gains from a particular venture. This approach permits both parties to benefit from their respective contributions.
  3. Cooperative Structures: Collaborative structures can encompass various agreements, such as supply, distribution, or marketing partnerships. These arrangements allow corporations to leverage the resources and strengths of partnerships to achieve specific business goals without necessarily forming a new entity.

The choice of the collaborative structure depends on the objectives, risk-sharing preferences, and the regulatory environment governing the respective entities.

Careful consideration and well-drafted legal agreements are vital to ensure that the interests and responsibilities of all parties are clearly defined and that the arrangement complies with the pertinent laws and regulations in the Philippines.

Legal Considerations

In the realm of collaborative arrangements between corporations and partnerships, the significance of formal legal agreements cannot be overstated. These agreements serve as the foundation upon which the parties’ rights, responsibilities, and obligations are established.

Clear and comprehensive contractual documentation is essential to avoid disputes and ambiguities that could potentially jeopardize the collaboration.

These agreements should delineate the specific roles and contributions of each party, address dispute resolution mechanisms, and outline the terms for profit-sharing, asset management, and decision-making.

Furthermore, they should incorporate exit strategies and contingencies for the dissolution or termination of the collaborative arrangement.

Necessity of Compliance with Philippine Corporate and Partnership Laws

Collaborative arrangements involving corporations and partnerships must adhere to the intricate web of legal frameworks governing corporate and partnership activities in the Philippines. The Corporation Code governs corporate structures, while the Civil Code and specific partnership regulations regulate partnership-related matters.

Compliance with these laws is paramount to ensure that the collaborative endeavor operates within the boundaries of Philippine legal requirements. Failure to comply may result in legal liabilities, disputes, or even the dissolution of the collaboration.

Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape, including corporate governance, disclosure requirements, and ownership restrictions, is imperative.

Taxation Implications and Regulatory Considerations

The tax implications of collaborative arrangements are multifaceted. Taxation laws in the Philippines may differ depending on the nature of the collaboration, the income generated, and the legal structure involved.

Careful consideration is required to optimize tax efficiency and compliance. Additionally, regulatory authorities must be consulted to ensure adherence to specific industry regulations and reporting requirements, which can vary significantly across sectors.

Not taking care of these tax and legal issues could lead to unwanted financial burdens or legal consequences. This highlights the importance of proactive compliance and talking to tax and legal experts before entering into collaborative arrangements involving partnerships and corporations.


The exploration of corporations entering into partnerships in the Philippines reveals a dynamic interplay between two distinct business entities.

Collaborative arrangements between corporations and partnerships offer unique strategic advantages in specific scenarios, such as combining resources and expertise or navigating regulatory restrictions.

The types of collaborations, whether joint ventures, profit-sharing agreements, or cooperative structures, should be carefully tailored to meet the specific objectives of the parties involved. Yet, it is imperative to emphasize the critical importance of formal legal agreements.

These agreements serve as the bedrock upon which the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of each party are defined. Furthermore, compliance with Philippine corporate and partnership laws, taxation implications, and regulatory considerations are paramount.

Because these kinds of working-together agreements are so complicated, they need careful legal planning, documentation, and advice from lawyers to make sure they are followed and that everyone’s interests are protected.


RALB Law | RABR & Associates Law Firm

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